Standard English |
Source or present-day associations |
aye |
Always, as in 'forever and aye'. Not to be confused with
aye (the archaic form of yes in E). Ice ei. |
happen (vb) |
To occur. Scan => ME happenen, hapnen. In Yorkshire
dialect happen stands for may, maybe, perhaps; also 'to happen upon
something' is to come across or find something. |
hurrah ! |
A cheering exclamation. The older form is huzzah ! Swe and
Dan hurra. |
nay |
Negative of aye (yes). Ice nei, Dan nei, Swe nej. Compare
Yorkshire dialect usage where the negative connotation is stronger and of
a more contradictory character and where it is also used in an admonishing
way. |
sirrah |
A form of address equating with 'sir' but later becoming a
contemptuous term. Ice (and probably Old Dan) síra. |