A Viking Network Info-sheet:
Jelling-the city of the kings
by, Pia Larsen, Randi Rasmussen, Louise
Andersen, Marianne Hejlesen,Claus Jensen, Soeren Andersen,Brian
Noerresundby Gymnasium
og HF-Kursus
February 1996
In the 10th century, Jelling was a very important part of the
Danish society.
First of all, the city was an official capital and this made
Jelling to a political centre of power in Denmark. Though Jelling
was located in the central part of Jutland, by the old "Road
of The Army", close to an exit across Lille Baelt (the sea
between Jutland and Fyn, there was never much trading here
around. Jelling is known because of the two runic stones that
stands outside the stone church. The two runic stones
documentates, that Jelling probably was one of the first Danish
cities, who converted to Christianity. It was Harald Blaatand,
son of Gorm the Old, who announced this upheaval, about 950 A. D.
According to the new findings from the Sebbersund excavations,
there are now indices pointing out Sebbersund as the very first
Christian town in denmark (look at the Sebbersund
informationsheet to study this matter). Jelling is in addition
also known for its two burial mounds and as a residence for more
high ranked people.
When Svend Tveskaeg became king after Harald at the end of the
10th century A. D., he made Roskilde the new capital of denmark
for unknown reasons - probably a demonstration of his power - he
had fought his father, Harald Blaatand.
The kings and their graves
North of the church Thryra's hill is situated, and in the
south, Gorm's hill is located. They are the greatst burial
mounds, which have been found in Denmark. In the middle of the
hills, the two famous runic stones are standing. The youngest
(and biggest) has been raised by Harald as a memento of his
parents, Gorm and Thyra. The other one, which is a bit smaller,
has been raised by Gorm as a memento of his wife Thyra. Gorm is
the first known Danish king since 873. The runic stones confirm,
that Harald was his son and succesor, and that his wifes name -
the mother of Harald - was Thyra. The Jelling stones show us,
that Jelling was an important centre for both of the kings. When
Gorm died, he was buried in the northern hill. But after his
son's conversion, the body was moved and buried under the floor
in the middle of the church, made of wood, which Harald builded
(now situated beneath the stonechurch). Recently, most of Gorm's
skeleton was found. It shows, that he was about 40-50 years old
when he died. He was about 172 cm tall, but he was not strongly
built. After the examination of the rest of the bones it was
declared, that he " like most of the middleaged Danes at
that time suffered from osteoarthritis in the lowest part of the
vertebral coloumn"
These monuments is a proof of Jelling being a very important city
in the 10th century. These monument are a very important
historical source, when you discuss the christening of Denmark,
because the name "Denmark" for the first time was
written in Denmark, on the smallest stone. The inscription is:
"Gorm the king made these runes after his wife Tyre, the
penance of Denmark". The inscription of Harald´s stone
sais: "King Harald made these runes after Gorm his father
and Thyre his mother, Harald who won Denmark all and Norway and
christianised the Danes". A reasonable interpretation could
be, that Harald in his governmental period won the present
Slesvig-Holsten back to Denmark (from the Germans). Or you can
relate the inscription og Harald´s stone to the other
archaelogical finds from that time, for instance the famous
"Trellecastles" (Fyrkat and four others) - take a look
at the informationsheet about Fyrkat and Aggersborg. In that
case, the inscription of Harald´s stone is telling us, that
he built the "Trellecastles" as a method of gathering
together the whole of Denmark ("...won Denmark
During Harald´s reign, the Danes really was introduced to
Christianity. But it is likely, that it was for political
reasons: The king´s relationship to the neighbours south of
the border became better.
The northern hill
The norhern hill, also called The Hill of Gorm, is about 11
meter heigh and has got a diameter of 65 meter.
You can assume, that this hill is the last build, as Thyra died
first. It was the Icelander Finn Magnusson who dug out the
northern hill in the 19th century. It was at that time
discovered, that the hill had been opened before. It was not done
as an ordinary gravelooting, but as an organized rubbery. The two
roofbeams were broken down and afterwards repaired carefully. The
only thing that was found inside the hill was a small silvercup,
which is also called The Cup of Jelling. This cup has been used
as a proof of the original burial of Gorm in this hill (the first
burial of Gorm, perhaps 35 years before the Christianity was
introduced officially by his son Harald), because the
ornamentation of the cup corresponds with the ornamentation of
the so called "Art of Jelling".
An interpretation
Harald Baatand´s stone is very conspicuous, because it is
decorated with several impressive drawings, which for instance
represent a snake that twines itself around a creature with a
bird's head. This creature has got a very thin neck and a body of
a cat, the claws of an eagle and a long tail, winding itself
around the animal's neck and breaking out of it's beak. Also, the
front of the stone itself is dominated by a peculiar drawing,
which in our opinion shows the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Most
scientists agree on that, but a few people interpretates this
picture as being a knight, showing the chivalry of Harald.
Harald´s aim with this famous stone is uncertain, but
everything seems to show that he made it as a symbol on his
power. The stone's inscription says, that he was the one who
controlled Denmark and Norway, and that he christianized the
Danes. We think that it is quite impossible to convince a whole
people, that their religion is wrong, and that they have to
worship Jesus Christ, especially when Gorm the Old a few years
earlier was a follower of Nordic gods as Odin and Thor. The Danes
must have become Christians over a long period, but Harald has
surely done a great piece of work, when he as the king of Denmark
stood up in front of his pagan people and declared himself for
being a Christian.
Below: King Harald´s runic stone.
Source: Politiken, 10/1 - 1994.
The gods of the pagan people and the introduction of
In The Viking Age, people believed in Odin and Thor. Odin was
the head of the Nordic gods and determined the declarations of
wars. It was likewise he, who decided, who should win and lose,
when people in Midgaard (on Earth) were in fight. People
believed, that he was watching every fight, and the fighter who
won was Odin's favorite. The vikings preferred to be killed in
fight. It wasn't good for a man to die at home in bed and suffer
the so called "strawdeath", which meant that one had to
lie in his bed and dies of sickness. This way of dieing opened
the door to The Land of Loke's Daugther - Hel -, a very
horrifying place to be. If you on the other hand got killed in
warfare, you would enter Valhalla and become one of Odin's
warriors. These warriors were called "einherjer", and
every single day they fighted, and when it became eveningtime and
they were tired, theywent at home (to Valhalla) and eat and got
Thor, Odin's son, was the God of heaven and amaster over thunder
and lightning. When there was thunder in the air, people believed
that it was because of Thor, driving his wagon. In front of the
wagon were two strong bucks, Tangnojost and Tandgrisner. Thor was
also the strongest of the gods, and therefore, he alone fought
the giants ("jaetter"), the enemies of the gods. Thor
had a brilliant weapon: The hammer Mjoeldner, which always hit
whatever Thor aimed, and returned to his hand after the throw.
Because of that, the vikings thought that the giants and other
evil creatures shaked of fear when Thor appeared at the
battlefield, because they knew that Mjoeldner was going to kill
them. Should it anyway happen, that a special foolhardy giant
went to attrack, Thor buckled his belt Megingjor and therefore
doubled his power, and no one could beat him.
Other gods, who lived in "asgaarad" (The country of The
Gods) were: The gods Frej and Freje, who were the gods of
fervility. The goddess Idun, who's golden apple brougt the people
constantly youth, when they eat them. And finally there was Loke,
originally from a giantgeneration. Loke iwas the god of conning
and slyness. He made a lot of accidents. Loke had three children
with a giant-woman called Angrboda. The first was a enormous wolf
called "The Fenriswolf", the second was a poisonous
snake called "Midgaardsormen" which lived in the ocean
and was so long that it crossed the world. The third child he got
with Angrboda was Hel, the goddess of death.
About 1000 years ago, clergymen from the south came to Denmark,
Norway and Sweden. With them, they brought the believe on Jesus
and God. They built churches and travelled around in
Scandinavia,trying to convert the vikings to the new religon. In
the begining, it did not og very well for the southern clergymen,
because the most of the vikings, who lived in Scandinavia, had
got their own gods and their own religion, and they did not want
to hear, what the clergy had to tell them. Very often, they gave
the Christian clergymen a miserable and terrible treatment.
Sometimes they killed them, or they let them work as slaves. But
the clergymen took revenge. After a number of years where they
have had bad luck with converting the Vikings to the Christian
fait and science, they begun to co-operate with some of the
powerfull Kings in the North. Perhaps the kings thougt it was
practical, if all their subjects converted to the new God. If,
for instance, King Harald Blaatand converted into Christianity,
he was free of the imperialistic policy of the poe and the people
representing the German church in Hamburg and Bremen.
Together with the kings and their armys, the clergys gradually
succeeded in converting the the vikings to the new confession.
When the royal power and the clergymen gathered their forces
together (military and spiritually), it became illegal to believe
in the old Gods, and those who keept on believing in them, was
getting punished and sometimes even killed.
| R. Broby-Johansen, Danmarks aeldste maleri. |
| Sven Helbo, Gorm, Thyra og Harald. Leif B. Christensen, Jelling-kronen på
vaerket. |
| Holger Mellerup, Jellingstenene. |
| Knud J. Krogh, Gaaden om Kong Gorms grav. |
| Johannes Brønsted, Vikingerne. |
| Olaf Olsen, Gyldendal og Politikens Danmarkshistorie, bd. 2,3 og
4. |